GlobeWQ is a project associated with the BMBF funding initiative “Water as a Global Resource (GRoW)”. The project aims to develop a platform that integrates in-situ measured data, remote sensing, and modeling to identify potential threats to water quality in surface waters and groundwater at global and local scales. More information regarding the project can be found here.

The Chair in Engineering Hydrology and Water Resources Management is the leading partner for the modeling component within the project and provides modeling outputs from the WaterGAP3 modeling framework. Examples of model outputs are global datasets of in-stream concentrations and loadings for water quality parameters such as FC (fecal coliform bacteria), BOD (biological oxygen demand), TP (total phosphorus), and TDS (total dissolved solids aka salinity) that will be accessible on the platform for modeled results from 1990 onwards. 

Information and associated researcher: Jaime Rivera



Model outputs from WorldQual featuring median FC in-stream concentrations in major rivers in 2010 (preliminary results).